The Dangerous Eight Indoor AIR Pollution Triggers

Bacteria, Carbon Monoxide, Dead Skin, Mold, Pollen, Radon, Viruses and VOC’s.
All of the above contributes to Allergies, Asthma, Lung Cancer, Lung Disease, Respiratory Tract Infections and a host of Other Ailments.

Most of us are unaware that the air indoors can be 4 to 5 times more polluted than the air outdoors and in some cases 100 times more polluted. We spend about 95% of our day indoors. When you look at how some of us try to improve our overall health by eating healthy and exercising routinely we ignore our most important source of energy; The Air we Breathe. Air is responsible for over 50% of your energy, more than food and water combined.

Week 1-Bacteria-It’s all around us. Some bacteria are beneficial yet others are harmful. An ounce of dust can hold thousands to hundreds of thousands of bacteria. Bacteria lives on surfaces and on particles in the air. Did you know that Bacteria can live for a few weeks on carpet!

So where do you start?

The first goal to keeping your home in balance is to make sure your Humidity is maintained at 40-60% and your indoor temperature is about 70 degrees. The next step is to make sure you have fresh air circulating through out your home. Make sure you actively clean your home and use organic and green cleaning techniques.

Advanced green and natural technologies are available to help maintain your for more information visit for a survey and access to additional tools.

Every week I will post additional steps on how to improve the air quality in your home.

The key question is? Will you act on it?

Most people unfortunately only act on news that will be catastrophic in the short term. If it is a long term issue most people tend to wait until it becomes a more pressing issue. I believe the time is now for us to start improving our health and well being.

Anthony’s goal is to make a difference for People and the Environment. His belief is we can all benefit from Living a Healthier and Greener Lifestyle. Change is hard and with support from Family, Friends and Organizations we can help others live a Healthier and Greener lifestyle one day at a time.

Anthony is a Green Technology expert with over 18 years construction experience and 15 years dealing with Air Quality issues. As an Air quality expert Anthony is trained as a Mold Inspector and a Mold Remediator.
Anthony Carvalho

Anthony Carvalho
Executive Director
Healthy Living Group Corp.
Toll Free:  1-877-661-5950 ext. 99
Mobile:  516-808-7997